
Monday, February 5, 2018

Grand Prix Changes Near Completion

     The new point system for the Grand Prix is presently being tested under tournament scoring conditions and should be ready for implementation in the near future, possibly by the middle of this month(February). At that time all tournament results from the week following last October's BBQ until the most recent tournament in February will be updated to reflect the leaders of the Grand Prix. 
     The new system of GP points will make the tournaments more competitive and more fair across flights. The new system is based on a formula that uses a maximum of 100 points available for the winner of
each flight while other places would be less  This system tends to minimize the large differences that occurred under the old system where place points had a direct relationship with the number of players in each flight. When flights varied in size the difference in points across flights could be extreme. The new system mitigates this factor to only a minor difference.
     Now, missing a tournament or being in a small flight will not create an inequity that can't be overcome. Since the ASGA Board has authorized money as prizes for the leaders at the end of the season, competition should be fierce and interesting.

GP Chair's Note: Even though the new system will make the competition much closer as well as being more fair across flights, it would not have changed the outcome of the previous year's winners as evidenced by the rerunning of old data with the new system.