
Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Missing Scorecards -- Bluebonnet Event June 12, 2018

Members sometimes fail to complete an event for various reasons such as illness or weather, among others.  It is important when this occurs that the member's scorecard is turned in for scoring by either course or ASGA personnel.  The tournament credit payout must match the total for the event entry fees and if there are missing scorecards it is difficult to complete the results posting.  This causes a delay on posting the results to the ASGA website as happened on the posting of the Bluebonnet results.


Saturday, June 9, 2018

Member Handicap Information

The Handicap Lookup page on the ASGA Status web page now allows viewing of the handicap records of active members by anyone, similar to that of the handicap lookup operation of the GHIN service of the USGA.  The ASGA Handicap Lookup operation is accessed from the Handicaps tab on the ASGA Status home page by clicking option 3 (Direct Link).

Use the lookup to monitor your own data, review your playing partners record, check out suspected sandbaggers!  Click here for more information on handicaps, including the likelihood of shooting your handicap.

Additional information on the ASGA handicapping process is located here.  External links at the bottom of that page offer detailed handicapping procedure information.

(Comments welcomed: Paul Redden,

Thursday, June 7, 2018

Jimmy Clay Handicap Issues

Several members have questioned their posted team scores versus their self-scored results for the 4-M Two Best Ball Net scores.  There could have been errors in recording the hole-by-hole scores for each team member but another issue is more likely the cause for most of the scoring questions.  An error was made in the delivery of the handicaps that were sent to Jimmy Clay.

To summarize the normal handicap distribution process:
  • Handicaps for the next month are updated near the end of the current month to include all counting scores for the current month (four events for May 2018).
  •  Course handicaps are sent to the courses on Monday for use in the Wednesday signup for the next Tuesday event.
  • Distribution of member handicaps is completed on the first of the month with the latest data for the courses with events for the month (delayed until June 3 this month).
Events on the first Tuesday of the new month require that the new month handicaps be sent to the course before the end of the current month.  Updating of the member handicaps then follows on the first of the month.  This process has normally worked well but in this instance the May handicaps were sent to Jimmy Clay and that is what was used on the scorecard stroke indicators (dots).  This was an error that was corrected to use the June handicaps for the June 5 event for the event scoring.

In summary, there was no "changing" of handicaps after the event and any differences in the self-scored results and the posted results were due to either changes in  member handicaps from May to June, or errors in entering the data (unlikely).

Note:  Most handicaps differences from May to June were up or down a single stroke but changes were as much as a decrease of five strokes.

Members needing details on their handicap status can contact Handicap Chairman Bill Burke.