
Thursday, April 20, 2023

Spring Two-Day Event is Coming Soon!

Get Ready for Tuesday AND Thursday Next Week! 


Our annual Spring event is next Tuesday and Thursday (April 25 and 27) at Morris Williams. The Spring event is a two-day team competition.

The first day (Tuesday) we will play 2-person Best Ball Net.  Both players play their own ball for 18 holes and record their GROSS score for each hole. The scores will be adjusted for handicap (hole by hole) when turned in, to create a NET score. The player with the lowest NET score for each hole will be added together to create a total team score. Results and adjusted Thursday tee times will then be posted. There will be no handicap updating at this point.


On the second day (Thursday) we are playing a two-person scramble. Each player tees off and a best shot is selected. Both players then hit their next shot from the selected spot (within one club length, or 6 inches on the green) and continue to do this until the hole is completed and a score is recorded.

You will keep your same team for each day. You will also have the same (or very close) tee time for Tuesday and Thursday. When you check-in on Tuesday expect to pay course and Event fees for both days. If you are riding in a cart, you will pay cart fees each day separately. 

Keep in mind that for this event, prize money is DOUBLED. So bring your best game to take home the big bucks (actually credit in the pro shop for various goodies)! We look forward to seeing everyone at the course. 

As a final note: no doubt everyone will be proudly wearing their white ASGA golf hats for this annual event. If you do not have one, just email the president and we will get one to you at the course. The cost is $20 and the inventory is down to single digits, so do not miss out. Good luck!

P.S. If you ever wondered what to do with a ball on the rocks, in the woods, and other info, check out the FAQ section under Golf Information on our website.

Final, final note: In the water on your #3 tee shot? Drop zone is the Red tee area.

Saturday, April 15, 2023

Golf ATX Updates

 Upcoming Activities at the Four Austin Courses We Play

From GolfATX,

Morris Williams Driving Range will be closed April 17th - April 21st to replace the mats and resurface some eroded portions of the landing area, as you know, those mats have taken a beating over the last two years and it is passed time. Clay/Kizer mats are next and we do not anticipate a closure for that replacement.

The Lions Spring Partnership is scheduled for April 22-23 and that facility will be unavailable for open play until close to 5pm on those days. This is a really fun event and some of the best teams in the State will be battling it out on those historic grounds. We have also secured the appropriate bids to have the netting replaced on #14 and hope to have that work complete in a month.

Morris Williams greens are going through a rough transition. The poa annua grasses (bad stuff) have been taking us over the last couple of years and it is back this year as well. Combine that with the temperatures in the 40's/50's last week and that creates a bad combination. We are seeing progress and have full faith those greens will be really good again in the near future. The message to you is that they are ugly but ok.

The phone queue experiment went well at Morris Williams and we plan to get the same system in place at Clay/Kizer and Lions in the next month. We are going to continue with Morris Williams and work out the kinks.

Our closure list is long in May, we have the opportunity to make some applications that will control our summer weeds and will continue to have a positive effect into the fall and next winter.

Planned Closures: 

April 17--Lions--General Maintenance

April 24--Kizer--Aerification, solid tine and will be good by the weekend.

May 1--Clay--General Maintenance

May 2--Kizer--Application

May 8--Morris Williams--General Maintenance/Application

May 9--Kizer--General Maintenance

May 10--Application

State High School Tournaments are coming back to the Golf ATX Courses. Clay and Lions will be unavailable until after 2:00 on:

May 15-16 and May 22-23