
Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Results Correction

The team of Williams/Organ was NOT disqualified.  Mr. Williams renewed his membership (after the official distribution) and should have been assigned a handicap of zero (0).  The results have been modified to reflect this.  The flight winners remain unchanged from the original posting.


Why the delay in getting the results posted?  Read on...

 A post on June 8 spoke to the requirement for an official ASGA handicap in order to participate in ASGA tournaments and is repeated and amplified here:

An official ASGA handicap is required to compete in ASGA tournaments and these are issued to current year active members  only. The official list for upcoming tournaments is sent to the courses on the Monday proceeding the Wednesday signup for the tournament to be held the following week.  (The ASGA Status monthly handicap web page is updated for new and renewing members at the same time). When folks sign up for a tournament and they are not an active member a lot of work has to be done to resolve their status.  The website runs off a database and when the results table and active member table match the results posting can be completed in a matter of minutes.  When they don't match the additional work begins, and that was the case for the June 23 tournament, among others.

As stated in the earlier post, the simple solution is for anyone wanting to participate in ASGA tournaments is to complete joining or renewing membership in time for their handicap to be included in the Monday distribution to the courses and that is the requirement. Key points are:
  • Handicap are issued for current members only
  • Joining ASGA or renewing membership must be completed by the Monday the week before the applicable tournament (i.e., complete membership a week and a day before playing)
  • Membership requirements not met as above can renew/join up to the day of the tournament and play with a handicap of zero(0)
  • Players that play without joining/renewing will be disqualified.
A review of the Morris Williams results shows members with zero handicaps who signed up at the course and members who were disqualified for not renewing their membership prior to playing in the tournament.  (Any of the involved who think their status was not correctly interpreted should contact the Handicap Chairman, Secretary/Treasuer or another Board member to explain their situation).

Just sign up!

Friday, June 19, 2015

Additions to ASGA Status Home Page

The following page links have been  added to the ASGA Status Home page:
  • Play From Red Tees (100 Club)
  • Grand Prix Championship
  • Hole-In-One Jackpot
These links provide an alternate way to go to the same or similar material as on the site while providing a quick link back to the ASGA Status home page.  Send any comments or suggestions to

Future work will address structuring other data currently on for addition to the ASGA Status home page.

Thursday, June 11, 2015

Morris Williams Results Errors

Errors in the results listing that omitted 3-member teams have been corrected.  Thanks to Don Akers and Mike Bieck for the error notifications.

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Bluebonnet Results Updated

Results for Bluebonnet Hill have been updated for corrections for 5th place finish in Flight #2 and for members in Flight #6 and the 100 Club flight previously noted in the PDF version of the results. (Grand Prix standings have been updated for the Bluebonnet Hill event).

NOTE: 6/11/15--Corrected coding typographical error to correctly show Dave Kosbab in results.

Monday, June 8, 2015

Tournament Signup Requirements

 ASGA handicaps are updated monthly and posted to the ASGA Status website.  Handicaps are sent on Monday to the course that is hosting the tournament the following week.  New memberships or membership renewals completed before the Monday

Saturday, June 6, 2015

Bluebonnet Results

Bluebonnet results just posted to the ASGA Status home page in PDF format.  The results page will be updated as time allows.

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Whispers from around the 19th hole

        Here's an idea! How about an All-Star match play championship in which everyone that wants to play is an All-Star? Okay, you say, how does that work? The only requirement would be that a team must have played in at least one tournament. This is so that they can have Grand Prix ranking points and this would qualify them as All-Stars. Then one sunny Tuesday or Thursday, we can divided the teams into two distinct groups, pair them up according to their position in the Grand Prix and let them play best ball match play against each other using their handicaps. For example, Chester Burks and Roy January who currently lead the Grand Prix in points would play the number two team