
Thursday, May 28, 2015

Calling All Members!!!

Had a good round today? Hit a great shot that produced great results? Hit a good shot and landed in the dump? Did you make an eagle in your round today? A Hole-in-One? Were you a spectator or participant in some unusual or famous event? Did you or someone you know in ASGA shoot under par for nine holes? Eighteen holes? Shoot their age?  Did somebody fall in the lake?

This is a call to the members and fellow golfers to report these and other types of unusual or otherwise newsworthy events.
Just email your suggestions to Sam Jenkins at and he will will take care of the rest. It doesn't have to be fancy or letter-perfect!

The aim is two-fold. First, make every member feel as if they are contributing to the community of golfers that make up ASGA. Secondly, have the communication of our combined efforts be the glue that keeps all of us together playing for the pure joy of the game.

Something funny, something exceptional, anything thought newsworthy: send it in!!  Include the when, where, and why (or how), i.e., location on the course, the names of the players involved, the circumstances of the incident, and your name (we may want to clarify something) and email or phone number.

Let's make this organization fun to be in and fun to read about.