
Thursday, March 17, 2016

"SAVE MUNY" Group Seek ASGA Support

     Ken Tiemann, spokesperson for the "Save Muny" coalition, speaking at a regular meeting of the ASGA urged members and the ASGA Board to help support their group's effort to save the Lions Municipal Golf Course. He said that the course was composed of 141 acres of a 350 acre track and was the target of the group's efforts. He introduced one of his members, Bob Ozer, to the group and asked that Ozer give his version of their efforts.
     Ozer, a resident of Austin and an avid golfer, passionately expressed the concerns of their group. "There is so much historical value associated with this issue. It is similar to an entity coming to a historical battlefield and wanting to put condominiums on it." Ozer also pointed to other solutions for Texas University, who owns the land. "There is the potential for land swaps and this could be advantageous for the University as well as for the citizens," said Ozer.
     Frank Segura, the President of the ASGA, proposed that the ASGA go on record as supporting the "Save Muny" campaign. The motion passed unanimously.
     Travis McWhorter, ASGA Vice-President, was assigned to prepare a report on the reasons for such support by the ASGA. To view this interesting and supportive document click on this link.