
Saturday, May 13, 2017

McGillicuddy Addresses an Improper Score

     What do you do if you find out that you and your partner have just won a tournament but you know that the wrong score was the basis for that win? Well, Tim McGillicuddy knew what to do. He immediately called the Tournament Chairman Sam Jenkins early Friday morning and reported the error, a score of 116. After checking with the course officials, Jenkins found that it was indeed a mistake in calculation and the correction was made allowing the team of Bill Burke and Don Steussy to take first place with a total of 127. McGillicuddy and his partner, Bob
Davis, managed to secure a tie for second place with a 129 total, still excellent scoring for the pair.
     McGillicuddy expressed his desire to be honest rather than take a score and the reward that would reflect on his character. "I don't play for the money anyway," said McGillicuddy. His call to dispute his own incorrect score led Jenkins to comment, "I really appreciate Tim's call to me so we could make the correct immediately. This is the type of honesty and character that we hope all of our members both support and admire."
     Additionally, Jenkins added, "I know of several instances when ASGA members have self-informed about violations of rules that may not have been viewed by others. It is a tenet of golf that players are responsible for self-reporting and as for as I have seen our members do just as McGillicuddy did in upholding that principle."