
Friday, January 12, 2018

Grand Prix Championships Now Worth Credit Money!

    At the most recent and the first meeting of the new ASGA Board of Directors, new President Shawn Higgins entertained a motion that would reward, with prize money, the winners as well as second, third, and fourth places in the annual race for the Grand Prix championships.  Both the Individual and the Team point leaders will receive prize money which will be credited to them with the city pro shops at the Annual BBQ in October, 2018.
      Beginning this year, 2018, the winner of the Individual Championship will win $50 as will each of the members of the winning Team Championship. Second place individual and team members will get credit for $25 while third place holders will pull in $15. Fourth place will finish up with $10 credit each.

     Previously, the reward has been the winners' name on the Grand Prix plaque which resides in the hallway of Lions Golf Course pro shop. The winners will still have their names stenciled on the  plaque with the year of their accomplishment but this year the incentives are much greater.
     Along with the implementation of the new award system, Sam Jenkins, the Grand Prix chairman, is considering a remake of the point-awarding system in order to provide more equitable as well as a simpler system of awarding points to the places in the various flights. This proposal is under advisement by the board in what Jenkins' calls "a comment period". A formal proposal may be in the offering later this month.
     "In the meantime," Jenkins adds, "all places for potential Grand Prix points will be stored on the ASGA computer and awarded when and if a new point system is approved and implemented."