
Saturday, April 21, 2018

4-M Team Net Event Scoring

The ASGA tournament schedule for 2018 has introduced new 4-M team formats: 4-M Best 3 Total Net (Pick Partners) and 4-M Two Best Balls Net (Pick Partners).  These formats allow all participants of the foursome to contribute to the team score and are becoming popular with the members.

Scoring for the 4-M Best 3 Total Net event is done by recording the gross scores for each player and subtracting each player's course handicap from their total gross score as done for the Total Net (2-M) events.  The team score is the total of the three lowest net scores.

Scoring for the 4-M Two Best Ball Net event is accomplished as follows:
  • Teams Enter Gross Hole-By-Hole Scores For Each Player On The Scorecard
  • Gross Hole-By-Hole Scores Are Entered (By ASGA Volunteers) Into The ASGA Scoring Program
  • The Program Operates On Hole-By-Hole Gross Scores To:
    1. Define Player Handicap Strokes For Each Hole
    2. Calculate Hole-By-Hole Net Scores For Each Player
    3. Determine Two Lowest Scores For Each Hole
    4. Calculate Team Hole-By-Hole Net Score From Two Lowest Net Scores For Each Hole
    5. Calculate The Team Two Best Ball Net Scores By Adding The Team Hole_by-Hole Net Scores
    6. Include The Team Score In The Event Results
An example of the scoring is linked here:

In the example, the top line in bold is the hole handicaps for the course as listed on the scorecard (and loaded into the scoring program); the other lines list the player handicap and gross hole scores, their handicap strokes per hole, and their calculated net hole scores.  The highlighted scores are the two low scores for each hole and the Team 2 BB Net line is the calculated sum of the  highlighted scores for each hole, with the team score on the right the sum of the two best  ball net hole scores.