
Wednesday, April 1, 2020

ASGA Board and Committees Remain Active During Crisis

President Trump and Governor Abbott have extended the shelter-in-placeorders through the month of April and we are fully expecting Austin to
do the same  soon. We currently have at least 2 more tournaments
canceled and will update how many will be added with the update next

Your board is very much wishing that you and your family are finding
what you need at the grocery stores and are staying healthy. We did want
to advise you that we are taking advantage of this stay at home time and
working on achieving one of our annual goals. As a matter of fact this
goal has been talked about for years but this time we plan on getting it
done. The committee, I am chairing, is working diligently on an online
sign-up for tee times. Several  members have contributed ideas and
process plans to move us in the direction of having a mock sign-up with
the committee members to see what tweaks we may need soon. Following
that we will test again with the entire board and another person or two
from outside the board. We are then planning on utilizing it in a full
tournaments shortly after we reopen for business. We will properly
announce and have an easy to follow operating guide on our website
before that tournament. I will share with you the names and what all of
our team is doing and will have done when we complete the project and it
works greatly.

For the record we are doing this project for our normal pay with no
overtime expected. Oh wait! We do not get paid. We are doing it for the
love of golf and making ASGA an even greater association when we come
back. We will be back playing and having fun again soon.

Travis McWhorter on behalf of ASGA Board