
Tuesday, July 14, 2020

President's Message - July 15, 2020

ASGA Campaign For Mayor Adler's Mind Change

Tuesday, July 14, 2020 -The continued growing concern with cases increasing in number for Covid-19 plus developing the new budget for the city has likely occupied Mayor Adler's mind from morning until night. However, in the midst of all that activity Mayor Adler's call screener contacted me late last week regarding my voicemail involving playing safe golf in Austin that I mentioned in last week's update. She quizzed me and we had a good exchange of information that lasted 15 or so minutes.
     The end result was that she felt Mayor Adler would want to have some form of meeting with me in the next few days. She gave me the meeting scheduler information and I have requested the meeting. I am awaiting my chance to change his mind. Please have strong thoughts and wish me luck in convincing Mayor Adler that seniors playing safe golf is better for us than sheltering in place at home.
     Up until now every lockdown has lumped us in with all other activities involving city owned parks etc. All the others activities are revenue expenses. Golf is a revenue producer and can pay it own way and maintain great health among the players as a bonus. It is good for all ages and especially seniors. It is time the city recognizes one of the most important decisions it can make that has no down side. Let our people play golf. We are on a campaign to get us back on the city golf courses. We have made up our mind and we won't give up. Now the Mayor needs to change his mind on golf and get back to solving other issues. I will gladly help him out there as well should he ask.

On behalf of the ASGA Board of Directors

Travis McWhorter