
Tuesday, August 4, 2020

President's Message - August 4, 2020

The City of Austin Courses did not reopen and Riverside followed.

August 4, 2020 - Here we go again! The Riverside tournament is cancelled and so are the next three scheduled through and including September 1.  Riverside has the policy, pertaining to open/close to follow the city courses, so they are closed for now. Shawn Higgins will be trying hard to find another non city course to take one or more of our tournaments. Should he be successful we will make that announcement but for now we have marked all of these cancelled.

The Golf Division of the Parks and Recreation, currently feels (hopes) that toward the end of August the courses may open, but that for sure no tournaments will be played until at least after Labor Day.There is a good possibility that after they reopen there will be some tournaments allowed.

The Mayor's office has yet to set up my meeting, but in the mean time I have not been idle. Over the weekend it looked like I would be invited to speak at a committee meeting Monday morning for Health and Human Services when the committee instead forwarded my information to all of the City Council and the Mayor.. We shall see.

I am doing something out of the ordinary below as we normally do not do political or business things on our website. However, this is about golf and it is what we do as a charter. I just signed this petition and it was number 470 of a needed at least 500 to get the City Council and Mayor's attention. It is up to you if you take action, but we need to have as loud a voice as we can. Paul Redden advised that the gentleman that started this petition is well respected in the Austin golfing community and in fact his son is an acquaintance. Several of you have already signed and just as I was about to conclude this it was forwarded to me by a member of the Austin Advisory Board for Golf. So they are behind it as well. it is easy to do just click on the link below.

Austin Amateur Golf. Started by Randy Reynolds

Hopefully soon we will have some good golfing news, but for now keep safe and happy.

On behalf of the ASGA Board of Directors

Travis McWhorter