
Friday, February 12, 2021

President's Message -- February 12, 2021

Grand Prix Prize Money, Golfing With The Snowbirds and Handicap System Now Once Again Bug-Free?

Your Board met by Zoom and put some excitement in the form of prize money in the current Grand Prix. It was decided to go with bigger prize winnings to incentivize players to make a run at each category. The program itself has been previously posted on our website. There will be four members winning prizes in each category and will be as follows:

Individual All-IN 2-Person Team
1st $125 plus name on trophy $100 each player plus name on trophy
2nd $75 $50 each player
3rd $50 none
4th $25 none
Grand Prix is our only season-long program and has been approved for this one more season at this point. The standings will be updated weekly until the next-to-last event. The winners will be announced and awarded at the  Banquet/Election/Golf Event. The new Board elected at this event will early on review the program and decide on any changes. We are forming a new committee to manage the program going forward until then. Bruce Jones, Website Chair, has agreed to post the Top Five standings one day a week on the home page as well as maintaining the full standings under Member Programs. You can all win and have fun doing it and now also win some "big cash." The Key is playing often and placing high in your flight. 

Anybody see my ball?

Wow! I have lived in the Austin area 22 years and the Indiana winter weather many Snowbirds visit Texas to escape and I left permanently behind to come back to Texas, has finally caught up with me. Shawn Higgins, Event Chair, told the Board that he was planning to watch this winter weather carefully and to make the call about playing or canceling our Tuesday the 16th event perhaps as early as this weekend. It is looking cold to say the least. I think I will skip any Mardi Gras plans for sure. 

It was brought to the attention of Bill Burke, Handicap Chair, and me that in some cases the handicap lookup was showing less than the 20 events for some players on our website. The 10 scores needed to create the handicap index were correct in each case. The entire 20 have been restored  now and going forward. In a nut shell it was caused by a self-inflicted computer generated entry following one of our events. The bug is dead now and all has been restored. 

We had a productive Board meeting and I am always pleased at how much effort they all put into their volunteer work.  

This News has been brought to you on behalf of the ASGA Board of Directors and The Austin Senior Golf League,

Travis McWhorter
