Handicapped Select Shot. The Exciting Next Few Months. Following the long Pandemic shut down for golf most of the emails I received related to "when will we get to play ASGA golf again, we are willing play anything?" Within a month of the start back date, I heard often "can't we play something besides individual?" Recently we were given the green light to schedule a full variety of events. Shawn Higgins, your Event Chair, has added back some variety and next week (June 22) has even scheduled our first ever Select Shot (2 person Scramble) with handicaps to adjust your final team score. This has been requested many times in the past and using the approved formula for adjusting scores and setting flights we will jump in and see how we do. Remember this is 2 person Select Shot. Each person hits from the selected shot of the 2 each time until a ball is in the hole. Both players begin by hitting at the tee. You then record that one score for the team. Please write your team name using the last name and initial of each player teamed. You do not have to test your skills with the handicap calculation, that will be subtracted from your team's total score as the computer program will do that when the scores are entered into the system. If you want you can put 2 teams in a foursome on the same card. That will help our entry person. Please have a scorer and an attesting signature on the score card. When Shawn first approached me with this idea I was gung-ho. After all I have learned how quickly we get bored with formats. You will see a lot of fun things coming the next few months including playing the President's Cup again at our annual election, banquet/picnic. Stand by to be amazed! However, just for the records everyone does not get bored so quickly. A couple have pointed out to me recently, "why do we want to use handicaps in the 2 person Select Shot?" We have not done that before. Give it a try you may love it and of course in a few weeks someone may ask, "Why can't we each take 2 shots on every hole?" Who knows maybe an Event Chair down the line will bring that on. One Person Select Shot anyone? This News has been brought to you on behalf of the ASGA Board of Directors and The Austin Senior Golf League, Travis McWhorter President |