
Thursday, October 14, 2021

A Message to the Members from your Vice President



On October 26, 2021 once again we will carry out the most important activity of our ASGA membership, to elect and install our Board of Directors for 2021-2022.

We, the nominating committee submit to the membership these suggested Board of Directors for the coming year.


President                                    Sam Mihalik  
Vice President                            Lewis Howell 
Secretary/Treasurer                    David Brader  
Event Chair                                Shawn Higgins 
Handicap Chair                          Bill Burke
PARD City Board Rep               Jack Scruggs 
Website Chair                             Bruce Jones
Immediate Past President          Travis McWhorter (Automatic per bylaws)  
General Membership Delegate  Greg Marshall       (Will be nominated from the floor per bylaws but is recommended by the Board) 

The tremendous amount of time and energy that our president has devoted to the duties and responsibilities is commendable. It takes talent and dedication to balance these responsibilities and personal life. On behalf of the membership of the ASGA, Travis, we thank you and all the current board members that made up your team.

For those incoming board members we will elect it is a demonstration of their commitment and dedication to ASGA. 

For those of us, the members, we also have to demonstrate our commitment to support our leaders during the coming year.

With kindest regards,


Lino Oballo
Vice President 2019-21
Chairperson of the Nominating and Banquet/Picnic Committee