
Saturday, March 12, 2022

Members Handicap Profile -- And a Technology Assist(huh?)

First up, don’t forget to move your clocks forward one hour Saturday night. Time change means daylight comes later. But it stays later, too.

Help with the greens

We have noticed a lot of ball marks on the greens lately.  I doubt that ASGA is responsible for all of them since we rotate around the courses and each course has a lot of customers playing every day.  With that said, if you notice an un-repaired ball mark, please take the time to repair it. One thing I do think some ASGA members are guilty of is dragging their feet around the hole.  Almost every week we notice scratches around the holes where someone was dragging their feet. Please look back after you finish and if you have accidentally left scratches on the green, take the time to tap them down. Your help will be greatly appreciated.

ASGA Handicap Profile

I have been curious for some time about our membership’s handicap profile. How many golfers we have with single digit handicaps, etc. I went to our website and printed the ASGA Handicap Listing as of March 4, 2022. Then I counted how many golfers we have in four handicap ranges. Below is what I found from the 188 handicaps listed:      

Handicap Ranges

# of Members whose Handicap falls in this range

Percent of Membership

0 – 10           



11 - 20



21 - 30



31 and higher



Three suggested rule changes I have for the board

I doubt seriously the board will approve but below are three rule changes I would like our board to consider:

  1.  A sliced or hooked ball into the rough shall be lifted and placed on fairway to a point equal to the distance it carried or rolled into the rough with no penalty. We seniors should not be penalized for tall grass which a groundskeeper failed to mow.

  2. A ball hitting a tree shall be deemed not to have hit the tree.  This is simply bad luck. The senior player must estimate the distance the ball would have traveled if it had not hit the tree and play the ball from there.

  3. There shall be no such thing as a "lost" ball.  The missing ball is on or near the course and will eventually be found and pocketed by someone else, making it a stolen ball. No penalty will be enforced.

With the board following these recommendations many of us can improve our handicap significantly!

Technology Assist

Bruce (our webmaster) mentioned the other day about a "button" for our phones that can make it easier to find the website (so you can see how far you've slipped in Grand Prix Points!). He provided these videos for posting. So don't blame me if it doesn't work.😄😄😄

How to Add a Web Shortcut to your Android phone

(When the video starts, click on the square in the lower right-hand corner for full screen view)

How to Add a Web Shortcut to your iPhone


I hope your drives are long and straight and all your putts find the hole.  Most of all, we hope everyone has fun.

As always,

At your service,

Sand Trap