
Tuesday, September 6, 2022

Latest from Golf ATX

 Here's the latest update from Golf ATX for your golf planning the next two weeks.

We hope all you GOLFATX'ers are enjoying the slightly milder temperatures. We wanted to update you with some highly anticipated news as well as a few operational updates and opportunities.

The Roy Kizer Golf Course will come back into the fold on Thursday the 8th. For about 2 weeks we will be walking only as we simply do not have the cart fleet to satisfy both courses. If we need to make a mobility accommodation based on a handicap parking placard or letter from a medical professional, we can do that. The golf course is good and the rough has not had the cart traffic on it so we suggest you hit it in the fairway. You are truly going to enjoy how plush the course is. Tee times can be booked over the phone only right now and once we get our cart fleet (hopefully the week of the 18th), we will be back in full force. Call 512-974-4653 to book times.

Senior City Championship--Sept 17th and 18th at Morris Williams, registration closes on Sept 13th at 6:00 PM. Open to men and women ages 50+. Register

Junior City Championships--Sept 24th and 25th at Jimmy Clay, registration closes Sept 19th at 7:00PM. Open to Juniors 18 and under. Register here:

General Closures--We do not have any greens punches scheduled for September but here are the closure dates so you can all schedule your rounds accordingly.

  • Sept 12th--Morris Williams
  • Sept 19th--Lions
  • Sept 26th--Roy Kizer-Herbicide Application--Closure Necessary
Thank you all and play hard, have fun and do it often!

Steve Hammond, PGA