
Thursday, December 1, 2022

New Season is Underway!

Big turnout last Tuesday! 114 players participated at Roy Kizer on those new greens! More events for next year on Kizer. Check out the 2023 schedule, now available at Next Tuesday will be at Lions, Individual stroke play. Current forecast is for a high of 79° !

Don’t forget to Renew your ASGA Membership before January 1st

We have several members who have not yet renewed their ASGA membership. Memberships are good from now to the end of 2023. If you renew before January 1st, you can do it for $10. If you wait until the new calendar year, it will cost you $15 to re-activate your membership. So don’t delay—renew your membership soon. Renewal procedures are explained on our website under Member Programs, Renew Membership.

If you are not a current paid member come January 1st, you won’t be able to sign up for a tee time or participate in any of our events until you re-register.


Help with the greens

Lately it seems like there are a lot of ball marks on the greens.  I doubt that ASGA is responsible for all of them since we rotate around the Austin public courses and each course has a lot of customers playing every day.  With that said, if you notice an unrepaired ball mark, please take the time to repair it. One thing I do think some ASGA members are guilty of is dragging their feet around the hole.  Almost every week we notice scratches around the holes where someone was dragging their feet. Please look back after you finish and if you have accidentally left scratches on the green, take the time to tap them down and repair ball marks. Your help will be greatly appreciated.


Next time you see Bill Burke, tell him Thank You

Bill is our handicap chair. He has been doing that for a number of years. I’m not sure anyone works as long or as hard as Bill does. He basically gives up the entire day to not only play but gather all the scorecards, enter the information for every player into the system and format the results into flights. Our normal last tee time is around 11:00 am.  That means that all of the scorecards are not turned in until 3 or 4 in the afternoon which makes it a long day for Bill. Next time you see him, please take the time to tell Bill thanks and express how much we appreciate everything he does.


ASGA White Hats Are Coming

Last year we sold blue ASGA hats.  We used the profits to provide closest to the pin and longest drive payouts for our annual championship competition. We intend to do something similar for 2023. More information will be sent out as we get closer but right now, the sale of the white ASGA hats should happen around the end of March.

Earlier this year you had to pay in advance and then we ordered the hats. Once the hats arrived, we found you and delivered your hat to you. Next year since we have a demand for the hats established, we plan to purchase hats in advance so when you pay for your hat, you’ll receive a hat.  With only sixty hats planned, make sure you get yours when they are available. They will probably sell out pretty quickly.

I hope all of your drives are long and where you want them to go and your putts find the bottom of the cup.


Lewis Howell