Mo Willie at Dawn
Have you renewed for 2025? If you’re late (after 12/31) it’s $5 extra and
frankly causes headaches to manually insert you back into current status,
unless you’d like to wait a week to become current once again. See the notice
on our home page where you can check to see if you’ve renewed. Your webmaster
thanks you.
Using our Tee Times as a guideline (PLEASE READ)
We continue to have conflict where players roll in according to the “Pace of Play” initiative, and their fourth drops in 10 minutes before published Tee Time with disappointment for all.
Most of us wish to play early rather than late, and teeing
off ahead of our tee times, allows a 10 a.m. player to tee off up to 30 minutes
or more earlier, avoiding summer heat and drive-home Austin traffic. This
information is posted in our “Pace of Play” item at the top of the home page of
our website. If you show up 15 minutes before your 9am tee time, and check in
for the event, you may find the rest of your group has already left, thinking
you are a “no-show” (which actually occurs every week). If you plan your
arrival and Tee Time using the Pace of Play initiative, it will make for a
better day for all of us.
Show up early, tee off early.
Member Passing
![]() |
Stacy |
Many of us knew Stacy Holt, who joined us in 2021. Typically in a group with Karen Walsh, Joe Noon, and usual partner Grady Morris, Stacy actively participated in over 80 events with us, enjoying the golf and the fellowship. Thanks to Mike Dodson for letting us know.
Please Don’t Abuse The Cart Privilege
Please keep carts on path in and around tees & greens. Avoid any puddles or wet areas within fairways & roughs. As a rule of thumb, use the 90 degree rule when entering and exiting fairways. Allow maintenance & beverage carts to pass on cart path if possible. During the winter months, grass is slow to grow, and we’ve all seen the “paths” taking off from the pavement to cut a corner. Don’t take the short cut. Use the cart path.
And a note to those who have handicap signs for our carts. Remember to stay 30 ft. from the greens AT A MINIMUM. If it’s Cart Path Only due to winter weather, you too need to stay on the cart path. Thanks.
Remember your correct position on the course is immediately
behind the group in front of you, not immediately in front of the group behind
And lastly, a bit of humor…
Golfer's dilemma (stolen from Bob Anderson)
You're playing a match for the club championship. After 17 holes, it's all even. You have the honor and hit a perfect drive 250 yds down the middle. Your opponent hits his ball dead right into the woods. You help him look for the ball and finally he says "Why don't you go hit your ball and I'll keep looking for mine for a couple of minutes. If I don't find it, I'll head back to the tee and hit my 3rd shot. You head back to the fairway and hit your 2nd shot. It's perfect! Lands 10 feet from the pin. Just as your ball lands on the green, you hear...."Found it!!!" A minute later....the ball comes flying out of the woods. It hits the green and nestles 5 inches from the cup for a gimme.
Here's the you take the cheating SOB's ball out of your pocket and confront him with it...or do you just keep your mouth shut???😀
Happy Holidays!