
Monday, July 20, 2015

The scorecard you see above is one that the pros at the Morris Williams course showed ASGA officers as the proper way to keep one. They also showed some versions that were too ugly and too wrong, so much so as it would have been
an embarrassment to those that kept them. So, out of respect for their golfing pride, we won't be showing those. But let us point out that the neatness and correctness that you take in keeping your scorecard has a direct effect on how soon members get the results.

The club pros have no compelling interest in redoing and totaling your scorecard if it has extra numbers in the blocks where there should be only one number. If you are keeping other records, i.e., bets, your putts, etc., you should keep them on a separate line with a couple of lines separate from the official score. Keeping all that on a separate scorecard would be even better. We all want to know how we did in the tournament and this is an easy way of speeding up that process. It also shows some respect for those who have to interpret what you have written.