
Monday, August 31, 2015


Board member Travis McWhorter has come up a new and welcomed idea that encourages players to do a better job at keeping their scorecards clean, neat, and legible. A clean and legible scorecard goes a long way in getting scores out to the membership in a timely fashion. Most of the problems in recording and reporting scores are caused by scorecards that in some cases are unreadable.

McWhorter has organized the idea for better scorecards into a contest with a reward. According to McWhorter, when an individual or a team submits their official scorecard they are automatically entered. The individual/team with the neatest, cleanest, and most legible scorecard will be declared the winner. The winner(s) will be selected by the Course Scoring Team/Staff. The winner(s) will be posted on the ASGA website an earn a free bucket of practice balls at the next tournament played.

Here are some suggestions for those seeking to win: 1) Have your best scorer keep the official scorecard (split winnings); 2) Use another unofficial scorecard as a backup and for betting, etc; 3) Erase and change only if you have a clean eraser as this often leads to darkened boxes that obscure the actually score. Skip a line between names and use this line to neatly correct a score then mark a single line through the incorrect score; 5) Print the names of scorer and attester because signatures are hard to read. This will help officials in case they need to get in touch with the scorer or attester; 6) The attester should REALLY check the card before printing THEIR name; 7)When turning in your card you may want to ask the course staff to quickly review it for neatness. This will be a quick review as the staff may be busy with other duties.

The best-looking and most readable scorecard wins the bucket of balls. Everybody wins when clean cards are turned in!