
Monday, February 15, 2016

Pinehurst Format

Some members may be wondering how to play the ASGA Pinehurst event scheduled forTuesday, February 16 at Morris Williams Golf Course.  Here is how the format is described in the ASGA General Tournament Information:

"Pinehurst Format: (Modified Alternate Shot): This is an alternate shot format with one added step.  On each hole, both players drive the ball from the teeing area. On the second shot, player A hits player B's ball and player B hits player A's ball. From this point on, one ball will be chosen for alternate shot play. Either player may hit the first alternate shot regardless of which ball is chosen."

Simply stated, if you and I are playing as a team, we both hit tee shots, then I hit your ball and you hit mine, and then we select the best ball and hit alternate shots until the ball is holed.  Either partner can hit the third shot.

Additional information on tournament formats can be found here.