
Friday, April 15, 2016

Gimmies hurt your game

Oh, how we golfers hate that two-foot putt. Questions enter our mind. How much does it break or does it break at all (two questions)? Is it downhill or level (again, two questions)? Then one of my playing companions says, "Pick it up". Feelings of relief flow over me as I reach down and pick it up. That may have been for money!

Then a feeling of guilt follows me as I get into my cart and head for the next hole. Could I have made the putt? How do the others in my group feel about me and my game now? Will I now have to make a decision on a gimme for my playing partners, or worse, for an opponent in my flight? How far from the hole is a gimme? Is it 18 inches? Two feet? Now I'm consumed with these feelings and possible decisions that may be in my path to having a good round. Why didn't I just putt it in?

Sound familiar? Yes, we've all been there! But playing in the Austin Senior Golf Association, I don't have to concern myself with those thorny questions and guilty feelings. We all just putt them out! What a concept!

I can walk off the green knowing that I don't have to have anything on my mind except what kind of drive I need to hit on the next hole. Everyone plays by the same rules. If I miss a two-foot putt, I can be assured that someone else in my flight will have the same opportunity. It makes for a better game for me and a fair game for all of us. The ASGA tournament players are not your local foursome playing for chips from each other. You're playing against everyone in your flight, and you need to be aware that following the rules benefits all of us. It will make us better players, respected players, and worry-free players.

Thanks ASGA.  I feel better now.