
Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Riverside Payouts

Tournament Chairman Bob Remy has  provided the payout information below for the event at Riverside Golf Course held April 26, 2016.

Note 1: Listed payouts are are for the team, divide by two for member payout.
Note 2: Scores are net scores based on low handicap for the team.
Note 3: Full results posting and Grand Prix updating will be completed when the results are available.

Contact Bob with any questions.

...1st Flight     8 teams

...1st.LD Washington/Troy Collins     70...$32

...1st Lawrence Byrd/Jack Jackson  70...$32

...3rd Higgins/Jenkins                       74...$18; Three teams tied, Western playoff

...2nd Flight     9 teams

...1st Harper/Marshall J                     71...$40

...2nd Gen Marshall/Davenport         73...$25                 Tie

...2nd Galindo/Ortiz                           73...$25

...3rd Flight         6 Teams

...1st King Chas./Andrew Brown         70...$40

...2nd Hummel/Thompson                  72...$20

...4th Flight          10 Teams

...1st McWorter/Visness                    69...$44

...2nd Moore/Ward                            73...$34

...3rd Martinez/Munoz                       74...$22; Three tied, Western Playoff

...5th Flight           7 Teams

...1st Bieck/Slayton                           67...$46

...2nd Abercrombie/Lanber               72...$24

...6th Flight              6 teams

...1st Guedea/Guedea                        68...$40

...2nd Morris/Sebring                          77...$20