
Thursday, July 14, 2016

Notes on the July 13th ASGA Board meeting

   President Frank Segura greeted board members at the July ASGA Board meeting with the offer of a drink....... a drink of water, that is. Segura apparently wanted a lot of conversation and was prepared to keep everyone refreshed and verbally active by providing bottles of water for the board. And he got what he wanted as board members had a lot to say about the upcoming BBQ, the 2017 slate of officials for the new board, and next year's tournament schedule.

     Vice-President Travis McWhorter got things started with his report
on the BBQ. (Editing note: "BBQ" is the name of the annual dinner event although it does not signify, necessarily, the menu for that dinner). McWhorter reported that three caterers were contacted and offered them to the Board for consideration. McWhorter mentioned all of the qualities of the three as well as the price per meal and then called for a motion of selection. A motion was made and with a unanimous vote the board approved Players as the best option for the annual event. The tournament and the dinner will be held on October 25th. It will also signify the end of the tournament season.

     Segura had previously appointed Terrance Donovan as the head of the Nominating Committee and responsible for selecting a slate of officials for next year. Donovan indicated that he already had several people in mind and was well on his way to putting together a slate. Those members wishing to be considered for a position as a ASGA Board Director should contact Donovan.

     Bob Remey, the ASGA Tournament Chairman, gave one of the most informative and productive parts of the meeting by discussing the 2017 tournament schedule. According to Remey, "We are in discussion with the various golf courses for dates and now is the time for any suggestions for next year's formats and events." Remey surveyed the members of the board for the most popular golf courses and for the most popular tournament formats. Input from board members was a big part of the conversation as well as letters from other ASGA members. Remey indicated he will be taking in all of the suggestions as he carefully completes next year's schedule.

     One of the most interesting suggestions that will be under consideration for next year is a 9-hole tournament or tournaments offered during the hottest months of the year and on a volunteer basis. Such a tournament would offer a shorter time on the course and some relief from the heat. It would run in conjunction with the regular 18-hole tournaments with the same rules that apply to the longer formats. A minimum and maximum numbers of players would be necessary to accommodate the payout rules and the limited space on the course.  Nine-hole tournament players would likely start at the same time as the 18-hole tournament but on the back nine. At the same time this would free up the course promoting faster play.