
Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Riversides Notes

The end of the year usually finds short staffing at many businesses for employees vacationing or leaving work early for last minute tasks.  Whether that was the case or not, there were problems with the Riverside event held December 27 ; scorecards were missing needed to report the results and have the proper credit posted.  After extensive time-consuming investigation and follow up it was determined which scorecards were not available,  however confusion remains on the exact data for those players. 

Since exact numbers are required to place members in the standings and to accept the scores for handicap purposes, the decision was made to list the players as "NC/DNF" as is done when cards are not available at the conclusion of a round.   Should affected members have data on their scores and want to have their status updated they can contact me via email at

To view the posted results go to the ASGA Status Tournament Results tab or directly by clicking here .

Paul Redden
ASGA Handicap Chairman