
Tuesday, June 16, 2020

President's Update - June 16, 2020

ASGA Had a Great Return to Golf Tuesday at Riverside!

Tuesday, June16, 2020 - The new sign-up system worked very well. We had a turnout that used up the allocated carts and we all had fun. It had been a while since we played and Bill Burke, our Handicap Chairman and official scorekeeper, mentioned that the team scoring was very good. Apparently us "old dogs" remembered our tricks. Hope you all won money and enjoyed the course. It was nice.
     Much to my disappointment we will have to delay our next start on the city courses. The ASGA was advised that the tournament scheduled June 23 will need to be canceled. The upturn in Covid-19 cases will not allow the green light just yet for returning to tournament play on city courses. Shawn Higgins and I are continuing to look for other courses that would give us a good deal and maybe we could play some of them as we await approval by the City of Austin. 
     We remain hopeful they will give approval soon. In the meantime I am asking you to take the time to call or email your council member and/or the mayor and tell them how much we want to play and that we will comply with all safety issues. The PGA played last week in Ft. Worth. We should be able to do the same in Austin. I have made an appeal to Spencer Cronk, City Manager, to help us get approval. I am awaiting his reply.
     When we added Bruce Jones to our board we felt it might take the rest of the year to get him ready to take over as Website Chairman. Paul Redden has worked so hard on the new system and at the same time handled the website along with other ASGA duties. We in fact started the year with the goal to relieved him of the website administration duties by mid-year. With the blessing of the experience Bruce has, Paul has made and I support the decision to turn it over to Bruce immediately. So as of now members should go to Bruce on what you would have gone to Paul with in the past. If Bruce needs help he will seek it out.
      Paul has been a blessing and as the immediate Past President will continue providing guidance as we rely on his experience to do our jobs as we go forward. Paul, you have done an amazing job and we look forward to you having a little less stress as you continue to serve and begin to enjoy more of your membership with ASGA.
     Riverside was only the beginning. We will be back playing again soon!

On behalf of the ASGA Board of Directors
Travis McWhorter