
Tuesday, June 2, 2020

President's Update - June 2, 2020

The Board Is Complete, One and Done and It's Real Golf at Riverside.

Tuesday, June 2, 2020 - June 3rd finds your ASGA with three important happenings. The Board of Directors has a very capable new member and is back to full strength. Last week was our largest sign up practice yet. We discovered we needed a more uniform way to add team members. A number of the testers report that it is clearly a better way. We are testing one more time using the cancelled Jimmy Clay Tournament to check it out with an even larger group. There is an actual golf tournament on the horizon at Riverside June 16. Real Golf is coming back. There is a lot happening at ASGA. \

Bruce Jones has accepted the position of Website Chairman and will work closely with Paul Redden during an extended transition. Bruce stepped forward after reading the need on the update and has a great deal of experience including another golf association in the Northwest. Please welcome him to the Board and tell him thanks when you see him. \

Now listen up! Register this week as though your team or just you want to play. You can only sign up once so make sure your team knows who is signing up for the team. If you are only one player or a twosome please sign up anyway as all effort will be made to pair you up during this test and for sure when we go live. 

Now once again how do you sign up for the simulated test? On the home page of ASGA click on Member Programs. You will then be looking at Tee Time Registration. Here you will find a menu with three categories. You should open "Read Registration Help" before starting. It has changed slightly. It will explain the rest. You will then register your team as though we are actually playing the Jimmy Clay Tournament. 

The time to sign up begins Wednesday and will last through Friday. You can do this anytime during these three days. To simulate and for practice we set this tournament to be the format that will be used at our actual beginning tournament June 16 at Riverside. Now come on and help us out. One more test and we are done 

Riverside will be our first real tournament in a long while. We will use our new sign up system for real at Riverside and there will be a lot of safe fun to be experienced.

On behalf of the ASGA Board of Directors
Travis McWhorter