Faster, Scoring Lower and Winning a Big Paycheck
"Some do's and don't's: Do consult the ASGA website often, especially the NEWS site. Yea, go ahead, click on it, yea, really. you might be surprised at what you might find. Do speed up! Everyone likes a unhurried but undelayed round. I'm slow, but I know I'm slow. So what do I do to keep me from being a drag on my team and the other groups? I try to putt continuously once I start. I start walking to my cart after I putt out until I am at least half way to my cart. I take one practice swing, really, just one. I'm out of my cart with club in hand before it is my time to hit. I don't wait to be driven to my ball if my cart mate is hitting his ball within quick walking distance of mine, I don't spend more than three minutes looking for a ball while I have a barrel full at home. It's just a ball, not your wife's diamond ring!"
Well said Sam. I played with Sam and he kept up totally. Go to News and read the entire article. We keep them on our website for you to read.
- Keep within one hole of the group in front of you. Look back to see if the group behind you is waiting on you. Speed up as a group until you catch up and until you close the gap. Maintain a healthy gap with those trailing you.
- If you are at your ball and can hit without any risk to anyone, hit it! Play ready golf!!
- Help those in your group with their ball flight when teeing. If there is any way you can give them directions or point out their ball as you pass by in route to your ball please do so.
- Finish out your putt without marking if at all possible. Be ready to putt!
- When feasible let the shortest drivers hit first so they can depart first. Red tee players get as close as you can to your teeing area while green/white tee players are hitting.
- Take less waggles and practice swings and stop looking at every angle of a putt. Just "take dead aim" and hit the ball as Harvey Penick taught!
- Don't spend more than 3 minutes looking for a lost ball. You can take the line of flight where it went into the woods and hit with the same one stroke penalty you would have if you found. When your group is behind you can save time by not looking. Take your line, your medicine and hit the replacement ball. Save 3 minutes when you can!!
- Manage your push cart and your electric cart as to where
you park around the greens. Think about the the next hole
and where the exit to your cart would lead you off the
green the quickest and out of the way of those following!
The Marshals have the authority to warn those when over 1 hole down to catch up and when they do not in a reasonable period and the gap gets to 2 down, the group must move over and let the next group through or be DQ'D. Then the group needs to keep up or it will happen again. This in fact slows you and all following players down. KEEP UP!
we can not speed up enough to be courteous golfers our
next step would have to be looking at penalty strokes as a
remedy. None of us really want that, so speed up every
time we play!
Travis McWhorter, President