
Sunday, November 29, 2020

President's Message -- November 29, 2020

 Board, Grand Prix, Event Schedule and Putt Them Out!!

The  ASGA Audit committee has done their constitutional duty of auditing the books. Vice President Lino Oballo and General Membership Delegate Lewis Howell have confirmed  that the 2020 Board's records, maintained by Treasurer Sam Mihalik, are in balance and all funds accounted for at the end of the fiscal year 2020. With the annual audit completed the board officially hands the gavel over to the new 2021 Board. You will recall that the general membership has voted in the same board and officers for this new term in order to efficiently continue dealing with Covid 19 as it relates to golf and managing the business of ASGA. Our goal is to continue playing safely within the guidelines, while serving our membership with as many events as possible for our league play and supporting golf throughout our area.

The first order of business of the new board will be in the very near future to announce the Grand Prix modifications led by Paul Redden and the 2021 Event Schedule led by Shawn Higgins. Paul and his team's goal is to increase awareness and involvement for Grand Prix and to simplify the rules going forward. The standings will come out after this  is done, retroactively to the event played October 27th. Shawn has advised that he plans to leave the event format (TBD) to be determined later on many dates, in the hope that Covid19 will become more controlled and we will be given the green light to add some four person team events to the schedule. He will be putting the new schedule on the website soon.

We had a long layoff this year in dealing with the pandemic and also have added some new members. Both of these situations brings up the need to remind us all that one of ASGA oldest and most famous traditions is that we believe in putting the ball in the hole and to never "give" a putt. The tradition of ASGA also has some very relaxed rules to help with speed of play and safety of our mature membership. We encourage you to read the Golf Information on our website especially focused on ASGA Rules of Golf and ASGA Rules (FAQ). However, the only time you can pick up a ball and quit a hole is when you have hit the maximum shots allowed per hole of 4 over par or in the rare event we schedule a matched play event and you give an opponent a putt as a good gesture or strategy in that format only. Neither Foursomes deciding on their own, board members "puffing" their chest nor anyone else can give a putt or take a putt without penalty. The Event Director will investigate those pointed out to him, but come on you don't need that, take care of it within your group. It is the right thing and honest thing to do to protect the other players. I am not sure how religious any or all of you might be, but wouldn't it be a terrible thing to get to the gates of Heaven and be told to turn back because the records showed that you accepted a gimme in an ASGA Event or witnessed one and stayed silent. I know for sure the golf gods will get even with you. Come on now! Putt them all out!! We come to play and have fun within the rules we have set.

On behalf of the ASGA Board of Directors and Austin Senior Golf League, 

Travis McWhorter, President