
Wednesday, January 19, 2022

ABCD Scramble Format is Back!

His swing is "Over the Top"...

We had a challenging and windy individual event at Jimmy Clay this week. 70% of us ended up shooting OVER net par. Congratulations to

Chester Burks for achieving the low net score.  

Next Tuesday we have the ABCD Scramble format at the Roy Kizer golf course. I have played this format twice and enjoyed it both times.

Remember--you probably will not be playing with the persons you sign up with this week for the ABCD format. Tee time availability will be determined the best we can based on requested times but no guarantees.

A Little Refresher

First, all entrants will be divided into four flights based on handicap. (For example, if there are 80 entrants, the 20 with the lowest handicap will be placed in the Championship flight. The next twenty based on handicap will be in the next flight, and so on.)  Second, the players in each flight will be divided into A, B, C, and D players based on handicap. Third, teams will be formed in each flight starting with the lowest handicap A player in the flight, the highest handicap B player in the flight, the lowest C, and the highest D player. The next team will be the second lowest A in the flight, the second highest B, and so on.

There will be no two-player teams allowed in this four-player team event. If a player cancels late or fails to show, a standby may replace that player provided his handicap is within one stroke up or down from the missing player's handicap.

If a player on a 4-player team is absent:
1. Player "A" absent - Player "B" takes two shots but not in succession
 2. Player "B" absent - Player "C" takes two shots but not in succession
3. Player "C" absent - Player "D" takes two shots but not in succession
4. Player "D" absent - Player "C" takes two shots but not in succession

The last time I played this format one of our team members didn’t show up. I ended up being the player who took two shots on each hole, which made for a long day for me and severely reduced our group’s chances of being in the money.  We did have a good time and still talk about it when we see each other at the courses. Please if you sign up, show up.
And I hope everyone hits a lot of riders next Tuesday. What is a rider you ask? That is where you hit the ball far enough so that you have to get in your golf cart and ride to get it. Remember to hit your drives straight and long, your approach shots around the flags and most importantly, have fun.

At your service,
Sand Trap

P.S. The only problem with golf that I see is that the slow players are always in front of you and the fast people end up behind you.