
Thursday, January 27, 2022

Onward to Morris Williams

    We had a good turn out at last Tuesday’s ABCD Scramble held at Roy Kizer. With the ABCD format, it resulted in very even teams and close scoring for each flight. If you skipped it, you missed a lot of fun. No rain with just a bit of wind to support those long drives! Discussing those putts for birdie! It was a great way to meet members outside of your usual group.

Thanks to everyone for supporting all the different types of events ASGA works hard to organize and schedule. Which reminds me of a "discussion" I recently had with my usual partner.

We were playing the alternate shot event at Jimmy Clay a couple of weeks ago.  On number one I hit a great drive down the middle - he hit the second shot to the right of the green near the tee box area of number two. Fortunately, I got lucky with a good recovery shot onto the green and the ball stopped about two feet above the pin. My partner then hit his putt, a bit too hard, downhill, and it finally stopped six feet beyond the pin. I lined up the long putt and sank it. As we walked off the green, I mentioned “We’ll have to do better, that was a bogey five.” “Don’t blame me”, he grumbled, “I only took two of them.”

You're on your own for next week, as we have an Individual event at Morris Williams. It's your chance to pump up your Grand Prix totals 100 points!  But before we play, I'd like to discuss two things:

1. Slow play: I believe we can significantly speed teams up if we do two things:     

    (A) Play ready golf: You don’t have to wait on someone else, if you’re ready and the path ahead is clear, go ahead and hit. If you are on the tee box ready to play, fairway is clear, but one player isn’t there yet, tee off. When you’re in the fairway, ready to hit, fairway clear but another player is still looking for their ball, go ahead and hit your shot. Remember, if you’re ready and the path is clear, swing away.

(B) Walk a little bit: we see this all the time, two players in a cart drive to a ball. One player gets out, does his shot routine, and then hits while the second player just sits in the cart and watches. They then travel a short distance to the second ball and the same routine continues. We could significantly speed up if the second player instead of sitting in the cart watching, would get out, walk to his or her ball and prepare to hit the second shot. Once the clubs and cart arrive, the player could get the needed club and execute the shot.  

Please help us keep all rounds under 4 ½ hours.

2. Tee Time Registrations: On the tee time registration page there is a button/link that reads "Additions/Changes/Cancels" (see below)

Should you need to change or cancel a tee time before tee times are posted, use this link. It’s easy, fast and will be seen immediately. You'll receive a personal reply when the request has been done.  Please try and notify us of any changes prior to the tee times being posted. Once tee times are posted, you have to call the course to change or cancel your time.

As always, may your drives be long and straight, approach shots dance around the flag sticks and have fun.

At your service,

Sand Trap 

P.S. When you see a note in red on the home page--please read it. 😉