
Sunday, May 29, 2022

Scramble This Week at Lions! Is Your Hat Clean?

 Two-person scramble at Lions!

Tuesday is a two-person scramble. This is one of our more popular tournament formats, as shown by our 108 signups this week. The pace should be steady and fairly fast. Hopefully birdies will be flying.  Our Handicap Chair appreciates it when you turn in a completed and very legible scorecard before leaving the course. 

Lions has a cardboard box in the pro shop for dropping off scorecards.

Please Take Extra Care While On The Green

We have noticed damage on the cups when we play. It appears some golfers are using their putters to remove or flip their golf ball out of the cup. Please do not do that. There are a lot of accessories one can purchase to assist you retrieving your ball without damaging the cups. Most of them fit on the end of your putter. I did some research on this and it appears the preferred method is the “Pendulum” technique to get your ball out of the cup. Using your putter for balance, you swing your leg back, using it to counter-balance your torso as you lower yourself down, and then swing it forward gently as you raise yourself back up. Whatever you decide, please be safe and take care to not damage the cup. The players behind you will greatly appreciate your thoughtfulness.

Also please be sure to tap down any trails or damage caused from dragging your feet on the greens. Repair all ball marks and have fun.

Golf Humor

It was a sunny Saturday morning, and Mike was beginning his pre-shot routine, visualizing his upcoming shot when a voice came over the clubhouse loudspeaker, “Would the gentleman on the ladies’ tee please back up to the men’s tee!” Mike was still deep in his routine, seemingly impervious to the interruption. Again, the announcement, “Would the man on the women’s tee kindly back up to the men’s tee!” Mike had enough. He shouted “Would the horse’s ass in the clubhouse with the loud speaker kindly shut up and let me play my second shot!”

 At your service,

Sand Trap


Bruce Jones here—I asked for a bit of space today to pass on a method for cleaning golf hats that I’ve found to be easy and worthwhile. 

Sometime back I bought a “golf hat cleaning frame” (try that on and you’ll see many examples). Basically it involves using a little cleaning paste around the brim where the sweat has piled up, then putting it in the dishwasher and run it for a full cycle. Very helpful for white hats. Here are some “before” and “after” shots I took for a hat I cleaned the other day.

Click image for larger version

 See you Tuesday (in my clean hat)!