
Wednesday, July 6, 2022

Partner Events Have New Rules for Determining Flight Results

Next Tuesday we'll be playing our 2-Person Best Ball event.

And we'll be calculating flight positioning results using a new method, which will continue for all future partner events. Members on our Email list are reading about it now. So be sure to bring your and your partner's "Best" game to Morris Williams next week.

You can read of all the changes in the current version of the ASGA General Information document. 

On another note, as we are now in the hot summer season--most members wish to play early. Two weeks ago 106 of 114 signups wanted first period.  If you wish to tee off before 10:00 a.m. I recommend selecting Period 1 until the weather begins to cool. And don't forget to add your "Ideal" tee time. Some want 9:00, some want 6:30. I only know that if you enter it into your request.


Bruce Jones
ASGA Admin