
Sunday, May 29, 2016

Don't get disqualified!

     Have you ever been waiting the morning after a ASGA tournament for results and when they do come up on the website your name is not there or it has DQ where a score should be. Maybe you did well and expected to see your name in "lights" as they say and your score is nowhere to be found. If this has ever happened to you it is more likely that you were disqualified.
     Failure to sign your scorecard has been the most frequent problem but their are other reasons as well. Returning a "lower" score on a hole that he/she didn't actually get or not putting a score down for a hole and skipping a hole. These are just some of the reasons for disqualification.
     The official rules says that each individual is responsible for his or her score and not your partner who happens to be keeping your score. You are responsible for verifying the authenticity of your scorecard and you do so by signing your name. This shouldn't be taken lightly! There are no refunds for disqualified players or teams!
     The only mistake that you can get away with and still have your score count is by inflating the score(s) and who wants that! So please take the time to go over your card and verify the score before returning it to the proper officials. The two minutes you spend checking your score is well worth the time. Don't let four and half hours go to waste!