
Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Nichols wins third scorecard contest

Randy Nichols has been named as the third winner of the "Cleanest Scorecard" contest for the Morris Williams tournament. Nichols won last week even though it was a more spirited contest as more and more members are becoming aware of this new activity added to the tournaments. According to the ASGA board member Travis McWhorter, "This week was a hard one to get a card picked as a lot of extra things
were happening at Morris Williams late in the day. I had to follow up twice."

Bob Remey, ASGA Tournament Chairperson, who actually saw all the cards after Nichol's card was chosen said, "Randy Nichol's card was the best example of a good card." 

Randy, who plays golf in the championship flights, actually works some at the Hancock course and already gets free buckets of balls. This will now allow him to present a nice gift to one of his friends. . Nichols said, "I am grateful for having been chosen". 

Nichols, along with the first winner, Curtis Higgs, and the second winner, Walt Camenisch, have led the way for the ASGA to have better record-keeping. Course officials continue to comment on the improvement in the scorecards. Let's keep up the good work.