
Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Charles Organ claims cleanest card contest at Clay

Charles Organ
     Charles Organ didn't know about the cleanest scorecard contest until last week when one of his playing companions in the Championship Flight mentioned it in passing. This week, Organ won the award of one bucket of range balls for having kept the cleanest scorecard for the individual tournament held at Jimmy Clay Golf Course last Tuesday. 
     Organ, who was keeping the scorecard of his fellow player, Ray Harper,
now has the pleasure of presenting that free bucket to one of his friends. The option of presenting to a friend is open to Organ because he already gets free ranges balls, a perk for working at one of the city's golf courses. 
     Organ, knowing that he didn't need the free bucket, decided on the day he heard about the contest that he was going to try to win the award. Organ commented to his playing companion in the Annual Tournament, "I think my card can win this contest so I'll try to keep it as clean as possible". Organ's attitude toward keeping a clean scorecard is the very essence of the ASGA's efforts to improve the appearance of all of the scorecards turned in to be scored.
     Organ was sent a letter from Travis McWhorter, the ASGA board member in charge of the program, which he can use to redeem his prize. McWhorter indicated that Scott Hammond and his crew out at Jimmy Clay were extremely quick in getting the results of the cleanest card out to the ASGA.