
Monday, September 14, 2015


$5 charge added to late Member renewal for 2016

     Next year's membership renewals will open on the date of the BBQ, October 27th, and remain so until November 30th according to Treasurer Rufus Stanton and President Wayne Patterson. But starting on January 1st an additional $5 will be tacked on as a late charge making the total membership dues $15.
     ASGA Secretary-Treasurer Stanton, will have a membership
renewal table set up at the BBQ for the convenience of the members. The membership dues are $10, and though Stanton's efforts members will have the luxury of using their credit cards at the BBQ to renew for next year.
     Members not at the BBQ can pay at the golf courses until December 31th without the late fee added.
     Starting on January 1st all players renewing will have to pay by using pre-addressed envelopes and mailing the $15 membership dues in to the ASGA Treasurer. New members will still pay the $10 membership fee.
      Best bet: Attend the BBQ and pay your dues there. Remember, pay before the January 1st deadline to avoid the late fee. You cannot play in a tournament without paying your dues!