
Monday, November 9, 2015

ASGA Annual Membership Meeting

    When:  1:00 PM Thursday, November 12, 2015

    Where:  Lions Municipal Meeting Room


  • Election of Officer

  • Board of Directors Reports

  • General Membership Input

Plan to attend this important meeting for all ASGA members.

A nomination committee named by President Wayne Patterson will present their cast of recommended candidates.  Per the ASGA Constitution,  additional nominations for officers may also be made from the floor at election time provided the nominee(s) shall have agreed to serve if elected. Two Delegates-at-Large will also be nominated from the floor. Members in attendance at the meeting will cast their votes for the slate of candidates and determine the officers for the upcoming fiscal year.

Reports from the Board of Directors will be submitted, including the results of an audit of the Treasurer's records for the completed fiscal year.

The general membership is encouraged to participate from the floor in providing their views on the Association operation and suggestions for improvement.

NOTE: Information on the Board of Directors duties and responsibilities and the Association structure can be viewed  at ASGA Constitution and Bylaws