
Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Minutes of the ASGA Annual Meeting

November 12, 2015

The meeting was called to order at 1:00 PM by ASGA President Wayne Patterson in the Lions Golf Course meeting room. There were nine members in attendance. The minutes of the previous meeting were read by Secretary-Treasurer Rufus Stanton, and approved as read by the members.

Treasurer’s Report
Rufus Stanton reported the Treasurer’s Report had been audited and
approved by the Vice President (Frank Segura) and Delegate at Large (Travis McWhorter) before the meeting. Stanton reported that we started the year with a balance of $1,851.57 and ended with a balance of $2,601.26. The report was approved as read by the members. The report is available on the ASGA website.

Tournament Chairman’s Report
Bob Remy reported that we had a successful year in spite of weather cancellations. 
  • Remy also requested that if you call in and get a tee time for a foursome, and for some unforeseen reason can’t make the tournament that you or one of the group should call in and cancel.
  • New member recruitment. If you bring in a new member, please walk him thru the process, to include: fill out membership card in its entirety, help them determine a handicap (via Paul Redden for help). If new member plans to play in the next tournament, this registration process must be completed by 12 Noon of the Sunday preceding the Tuesday Tournament.
  • Remy stated that in the case of inclement weather, if the course is playable “WE WILL PLAY THE TOURNAMENT”
For the 2016 schedule we will continue with the Spring Tournament, Fall Tournament / BBQ as usual. The Schedule will be available, in print, at each course as well as on line. The first Tuesday of each month the format will be Individual Net, the remainder of events will be two or four person events, including new formats. There will be two new courses in 2016: Forest Creek and Riverside. The report was approved as read by the members.

BBQ Chairman’s Report
The report was tabled until the next meeting due to the absence of the Chairman. However a request was made that we obtain a new food vendor for 2016, due to the overall decline in quality and service this year.

Handicap Chairman’s Report
 Paul Redden reported that he has and will continue to make reporting results more user friendly. As well as improving handicap accuracy.

Grand Prix Points Report 
Sam Jenkins reported the contest went down to the wire to the final tournament of the year. Winners of the 2015 Grand Prix Team Champion is the team of Chester Burke and Roy January while the Individual Champion was Terry Rodriguez. Congratulations to these winners.

Hole in One Contest 
Congratulations to the winners in 2015. Travis Eckhart will continue to run the contest in 2016.

Election of Officers for 2016
The following list of officers was presented by the Nominating Committee and approved by the members:

President Frank Segura
Vice President Travis McWhorter
Secretary-Treasurer Rufus Stanton
Tournament Chairman Bob Remy
Handicap chairman Paul Redden
PARD Representative Travis Eckhart
Delegate-at-Large Sam Jenkins
Delegate-at-Large Terrence Donovan
Past President Wayne Patterson

New Business
Wayne Patterson led a discussion of the implementation of the new rules being implemented for the 2016 ASGA Year. Stanton read the letter that was passed out at the BBQ to all players. Stanton said the information will be placed on the bulletin boards at each course and that it will be posted on the ASGA website. Please share this information with as many other members as possible. Remember there will be a late fee of $5.00 if dues are not paid by Dec. 31, 2015. 

The meeting was adjourned at 2:15 PM by ex-President Patterson.

Respectfully Submitted by:
Rufus Stanton